Complaints procedure CeeYu



Pursuant to the Healthcare Quality Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz), every healthcare provider is obliged to set up a complaints procedure for effective and accessible reception and handling of complaints concerning him (article 13, first paragraph, Wkkgz). The complaints procedure is aimed at reaching a satisfactory solution for the complainant and the healthcare provider.

This complaints procedure is intended for clients of CeeYu practice.

· registered with the chamber of commerce nr. 27293043 (Silver Personal Touch)

Address: Eendrachtstraat 16, 3784 KB Terschuur

· Mail address:

·                   Websites:

This complaints procedure meets the requirements set in the Wkkgz and the Wkkgz Implementation Decree. This complaints procedure can be found at and will be sent free of charge by post or email at the request of you as a client.

What to do if you are dissatisfied with the care provided?

If you are dissatisfied with our care, we would like to know. And we want to discuss this with you to come to a solution. It is best to first discuss your dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction with the therapist/coach involved. Sometimes that is enough to come to a solution. Don't wait too long with this. When a solution is found at an early stage, it prevents a lot of discomfort. See above contact details of CeeYu practice.

If we cannot reach an agreement, you can contact the independent complaints officer. You can optionally:

· advise with regard to the submission of a complaint and/or

assist in formulating the complaint and/or

assisting in investigating the possibilities to reach a solution (for example through a mediation meeting). It is your own choice whether you want to use this. There are no costs associated with this for you as a complainant.

You can reach the complaints officer via the contact details below:

Quasir complaints mediation department:


telephone: 085-4874012

· mail: Quasir, Attn: Complaints Mediation Department, PO Box 1021, 7940 KA Meppel.

Quasir's complaints officer is bound by the Code of Conduct for Quasir Employees, as well as the Quasir Professional Independence Protocol. These can be viewed at This complaints procedure applies the moment you actually submit a complaint.

Complaints procedure CeeYu practice

Where this regulation refers to “care provider” this means CeeYu practice. The person or persons submitting a complaint are referred to as “complainant”

1. A written complaint can be submitted to the care provider by the client, a surviving relative of the deceased client, or a representative of the client about behavior by a healthcare provider towards a client in the context of the provision of care. Furthermore, a complaint can be submitted by that person in writing about the refusal of the care provider to regard a person as a representative of a client in the context of the provision of care.

The complainant must submit his complaint in writing to CeeYu practice for the attention of Mr. drs. MTW van Zwieten

This can be done by email or by post: email address: or Eendrachtstraat 16, 3784 KB Terschuur.

If desired, the complainant can turn to the complaints officer for advice regarding the submission of a complaint and/or assistance in formulating the complaint (see also Article 8 below). The contact details of the complaints officer are listed under the Introduction chapter of these regulations.

2. The healthcare provider will confirm receipt of the complaint to the complainant as soon as possible, but no later than within 3 working days.

3. The healthcare provider ensures that the complaint is carefully investigated.

4. The handling of the complaint is aimed at reaching a satisfactory solution for the complainant and the healthcare provider. If desired, the complainant can turn to the complaints officer for assistance in investigating the possibilities for reaching a solution. This can be done through mediation. Mediation by a complaints officer is a suitable means of arriving at a solution to a complaint. Mediation is also possible at the request of the healthcare provider. However, mediation is only possible with the consent of both parties. The manner in which a mediation process proceeds is described at the end of this complaints procedure in Article 8.

5. The complainant will be kept informed by the healthcare provider of the progress of the handling of the complaint.

6. The complainant will receive a written notification from the healthcare provider as soon as possible, but no later than six weeks after submission of the complaint, stating the reasons for which decisions the healthcare provider has taken about and as a result of the complaint and within which period measures will be taken. decided will be realized. If, in the opinion of the healthcare provider, the required careful investigation of a complaint necessitates this, the healthcare provider can extend the term referred to in paragraph 6 by a maximum of four weeks. The care provider will notify the complainant of this in writing before the expiry of the period of 6 weeks.

7. If the complainant does not agree with the written notification, as referred to under point 6, or if the notification is not made within the applicable term, the complainant can submit his complaint to a Disputes Body as referred to in art. 18 Wkkgz. CeeYu practice is affiliated with: Disputes Body Stichting Zorggeschil: Stichting Zorggeschil, PO Box 132, 8430 AC Oosterwolde. Website:

8. Advice, assistance and mediation by the Quasir complaints officer

a) If the complaint has not yet been submitted to the healthcare provider, the complaints officer will refer the complainant back to the healthcare provider, unless b applies.

b) If the complainant wishes to be advised and/or assisted in formulating a complaint, the complaints officer will advise and/or assist the complainant in this;

c) If the complainant wishes to be assisted in finding a solution in the form of mediation, this process will proceed as follows:

i. the Complaints Officer contacts the healthcare provider and asks her to agree to mediation;

ii. the Complaints Officer is responsible for organizing the mediation, which can only take place with the consent of the complainant and healthcare provider;

iii. all information exchanged within the mediation remains confidential, unless other agreements are made with those directly involved;

iv. the Complaints Officer does not make a substantive report, but does report on the progress of the process and the agreements made;

v. if a solution has been reached between the complainant and the care provider through the mediation, this solution will be recorded in writing in an e-mail from the complaints officer to both parties, who must then confirm this;

vi. if, despite mediation by the complaints officer, no solution is reached, the mediation process will end.

d) Mediation by the complaints officer can take place before the complainant has submitted a complaint in accordance with point 1 of these regulations or after a complaint has been submitted. during the handling of a complaint.

i. before the complainant has submitted a complaint: If the mediation does not lead to a solution to the complainant's dissatisfaction, the complaints officer will point out to the complainant that it is possible to submit a complaint.

ii. after the complainant has submitted a complaint: In that case, the mediation will take place in the context of the investigation and treatment as referred to in Articles 3 and 4. The healthcare provider must then continue with the treatment and within the set term (6 weeks with the consent of extension of 4 weeks) to make the written notification to the complainant, as referred to in Article 6.

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