I coach and treat people who are stuck in their life, work or relationship. Because, are you satisfied when you look in the mirror? Do you feel good with yourself and with who you are now? Are you feeling well? Or are you currently struggling in your life? In life it is sometimes difficult to keep seeing yourself and to be able to stay connected and in touch with yourself and with others. Or you may have lost yourself before due to intense or traumatic events. It may also be that you feel unseen by others and that you struggle with the consequences. That you experience a lot of stress and tension and that you get problems with your physical and/or mental health.
Being stuck in life, work or relationship feels very annoying. They are often existential periods in which you struggle to see the meaning of life and live life to the fullest. This often manifests itself in indecisiveness, loss of energy and vitality, turning inward or apathy, but it can also bring frustration, anger or sadness. With this being stuck, it often becomes difficult to maintain a healthy connection with the environment, with partner, family or friends and with colleagues at work.
My guidance is aimed at exploring together what you encounter in your life, how your behavioral and thinking patterns work and which underlying patterns are in the way of you in your current life.
I mainly work from the ideas of Transactional Analysis (TA). This is based on the idea that every person "writes" his own script, to a large extent already in his/her youth. This script records how he/she looks at himself/herself, the other person and the world and what strategies are needed to "survive". Often all kinds of choices and beliefs are contained in this script, which arose early in life, but turn out to be no longer functional in the course of the rest of life.
The TA Redecision method can also be used in the treatment. Being stuck can also be the result of continuing to hold on to dysfunctional ways of thinking, feeling or acting. Such patterns are often the end result of an old learning process, stored in the deeper layers of our brain. With the Redecision methodology, early decisions can be examined and changed in a sustainable way.
Many people get hurt or damaged in life. These often have a major impact on later life. The fear of repeated hurt causes people to develop avoidance or survival strategies, often with major consequences for their own emotional and emotional balance and for communication and connection with others. Traumatic experiences in the past often have even deeper consequences for everyday life. The traumatic event may have been so painful, shocking, or extreme that it is difficult to deal with and process the emotions. In daily life, the hurt or traumatic experience from the past can be triggered in all kinds of unexpected ways and moments, with all the consequences that entails.
My guidance focuses mainly on removing the blockages in the brain that are the result of the injury or trauma. The cause of the 'triggers' is tackled using the PMA method. During 'depth sessions' the stress reaction is removed, with the result that the client can change her or his behavior patterns permanently.
Body-oriented 'embodied' work can also be used in the treatment. Traumatic experiences are always stored in the body and are remembered physically, instead of 'verbally'. This involves working at the level of the nervous system, rather than cognitively.
If the hurt or damage has led to limiting beliefs, which is often the case, you can also work on 'questioning' your stressful thoughts by using the method of The Work by Byron Katie.
Stress and tension are the sickeners of our time. Work, society, relationship and family generally demand a lot from Western people. The way in which these requirements are dealt with is different for everyone, often depending on the degree of responsibility, the inner expectations and how the expectations of the environment are dealt with. Stress and tension increase depending on the degree of perfectionism, 'please behavior', lack of assertiveness and self-care. But it can also be caused by exogenous factors such as divorce, loss, illness, dismissal or complex situations.
Prolonged stress and tension cause complaints, both physically and psychologically and can ultimately lead to overwork, burnout or depression. That is why it is important to seek guidance in time.
My guidance is aimed at exploring together what you encounter in your life, what your stress and tension factors are and how you respond to them.
I mainly work from the ideas of Transactional Analysis (TA). This is based on the idea that every person always has several options to respond to situations or to others. However, we have forgotten about some options and hardly use them anymore. This can lead to the repeated use of behavioral and communication patterns that prove to be non-functional in practice and that will hinder you.
The treatment creates awareness of the possibilities and thus increases autonomy and psychological flexibility.
Are you interested? You are welcome to make an appointment. My guidance always starts with an intake interview. During this meeting we will get acquainted and together we will investigate what you are struggling with, what you would like to change and what I could do for you. It goes without saying that this conversation is also intended to see together whether I am the right person to guide you. The intake interview is without obligation, but can at the same time form the beginning of the guidance process. You are welcome to make an appointment via the button below. I am already available for you at short notice. Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Tel: 06 47246518
Address: Eendrachtstraat 16, 3784 KB Terschuur
Mail: maarten@ceeyu.nl
Chamber of Commerce: 27293043 (Zilver Personal Touch)
VAT number: NL001740868B89
Member of the NVTA, CRKBO certified
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Thursday: 09:30 - 21:00
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